Fourth International Printmaking Biennial in Cacak
opening giovedì 03 settembre 2020 alle ore 19.00
presso “Dom kulture Čačak”, di Čačak (Serbia)
dal 3 al 26 settembre

Press release follows:
The Plat form for the Promotion of Multi-original Art organises The Fourth International PrintMaking Biennial
in Cacak, in 2020. The Platform, as the coordinator of the Biennale, maintains the previous Biennale’s good practice of: •identifying and following contemporary tendencies within the field of printmaking;
•endorsing medium expansion including use of modern methods of printing, contemporary technologies and theory concepts;
•promoting young authors and their work.
The Biennial aim is to provide regional and international artists with institutional support for their professionaldevelopment, to induce and elevate inter est in this artistic discipline among other artists and cultural workers, as well as a larger audience.

The exhibition program of the Biennale offers an overview of the current events of the different graphic production on the national and international scene. The central event of the Biennale is the main exhibition in the central and upper hall of the House of Culture. In the art hall of the House of Culture, the public will be able to see the works of Gabrijela Bulatović from Belgrade, winner of the GRAND PRIX Biennial in 2018.
The exhibition, which runs from 3 to 26 September, will feature 138 artists from 33 countries.
All the exhibition spaces of the House of Culture at 19:00
FRIDAY 4 SEPTEMBER – “SNEŽANA AND THE SEVEN Dwarfs”, world premiere of a theatrical performance performed by the acting workshop of the House of Culture.